Copyright Statement:
All material herein, Copyright© 2012 by Robert D. Westmoreland of 24mmPOV, Coamo, Puerto Rico, USA, All rights reserved without condition.
The stylized text “24mm Point of View”, stylized Web page theme, graphic art and photography is the exclusive intellectual property of Robert D. Westmoreland. The Web site may contain references to, or material under copyright by other individuals or organizations. Downloading, screen capture or copying these items in any manner for any use other than for personally viewing the original document in its entirety is expressly prohibited by U.S. and International Copyright Law.
Every effort will be made to pursue any copyright violators to the full extent of the law.
No one is permitted to use these images for any purpose other than to facilitate a purchase decision unless prior written permission is obtained. A visitor may use this site to make purchasing decisions and may review, email, copy and print any image or web page provided that it is used as part of making a decision to purchase that image. This copyright notice must be included with any and all image(s) or web page(s) copied, printed or distributed in any manner. No one may make use of this content for any other purposes without first obtaining formal written consent.